A media city did not attack the same intensity and ferocity, which was attacked by Dubai during the financial crisis, and despite the city of Dubai to overcome the effects of this crisis, which ravaged the entire world quickly, the Western media in particular, does not stop to amplify any negative news about Dubai so far, despite the passage of ten years On the crisis, which indicates the success and excellence of the city, the Western media do so only with successful models, especially if those models in the east of the world, and the evidence is many.

Any news about Dubai's debts is of extraordinary interest, they rejoice a lot, and reprint it frequently, in various ways, and tops the news oddly, although the global economy, in general, is going through current problems, and no country in the world debt-free, and this It is normal and normal in all countries of the world, but the news tops newspapers and news sites if it concerns Dubai!

Dubai owes, like others, borrowing money from internal and external institutions, but it only borrows capital and investment projects, and never borrows to operational projects like others, and by the way, the size of the sovereign debt of the city of Dubai is $ 32 billion, meaning that it does not exceed 27% of the emirate's GDP And this is a very reasonable, very natural figure, especially if we know that the volume of debt versus the GDP of America is 105%, Japan 253%, France 97%, Britain 85%!

What is happening in the Western media on the one hand, and the deliberate confusion of concepts on the other hand, and fraud on the world on the other hand, where they deliberately mix sovereign debt, which is borrowed by the government, the debt of real estate companies, and this is a serious and obvious mistake, these companies operate according to the laws The private sector and their access to financial facilities are subject to guarantees related to their projects, and on the basis of these guarantees financed by banks, why deliberately involve the government in this matter? Why aren't US or Western companies reciprocated in debt news? We have not heard about the merger of the debts of General Motors, for example, with America's debts!

In the midst of the global financial crisis, when government projects stopped everywhere, Dubai spent 32 billion to complete all infrastructure projects, including the metro. Billion, to complete all the work related to hosting the World Expo, and is determined to bring to the world an exhibition like no other, and the world has never seen him, and we are all sure!

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